
Coaching for professionals in high-performing work environments

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Making work work

You can proactively shape your work life. As a result, it can become a source of energy, inspiration and self-expression (on the good days), or at least more manageable (on the tough days).

As an experienced strategy consultant and coach, I look forward to supporting you in achieving your professional and personal ambitions. 

Where to start?

Whether you are a young professional or an experienced manager, a deeper understanding of yourself is the starting point for change.

Your questions may relate to your work and personal life, and could include topics like:


  • How can I thrive in my current working environment? And what is holding me back?
  • How can I reduce stress and improve my work-life balance?
  • How can my work contribute to a bigger sense of fulfilment and meaningfulness?
  • How do I shape my career in the direction I aspire?
  • How do I manage the responsibilities that come with my (new) role?

Feel free to reach out to discuss whether coaching would be a good fit to your specific situation. 

A short intro: Sharon Koenen

A short introduction: Sharon Koenen

As a former strategy consultant in Life Sciences and Healthcare, I understand the excitement and pressure that comes with building a career. As a coach, I enjoy combining this business experience with my deep-rooted interest in helping you achieve your own professional and personal ambitions.


I am keen on learning, thinking creatively and bringing structure to complexity. This has fueled my work at the Boston Consulting Group, Vintura and the World Health Organization. These experiences have also taught me how much can be achieved, when you combine a curious and analytical mindset with a sincere interest to connect with others.


I enjoy empowering others in their self-development. Over the years I have developed and executed various talent and leadership development programs. Seeing a diversity of talents blossom, each individual in their own way, has always been a highly rewarding experience. Now I bring this expertise into our 1-to-1 setting to help you shape your own path.

Interested to learn more about my qualifications? I'm an EIA-certified coach and a certified stress management, burnout prevention and reintegration coach. As a NOBCO/EMCC member, I adhere to the Global Code of Ethics for coaches.

What is the result of a coaching trajectory?

Deliver more


  • Work and lead more authentically and effectively
  • Change behavioral and thought patterns that no longer work for you

Boost your

energy levels

  • Improve self-awareness
  • Organize your (work)life to ensure you recharge and can better manage stress

Experience more


  • Understand your personal beliefs, values and mission
  • Align your (work)life with these


I coach executives, (new) managers and young potentials.

Most of my clients work in high-pressure jobs, where they are challenged to deliver on a daily basis. I work with professionals in both the private sector (e.g. consultancy and life sciences) and in the public sector (e.g. healthcare and academia).


What does a trajectory look like?

A coaching trajectory usually consists of six to ten conversations. A session takes 1 to 1.5 hours. Typically, the sessions take place every two to four weeks, to bring learnings, insights and actions in practice.

If you want to learn more about what to expect from my coaching, continue reading below or contact me directly to discuss the options.

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What to expect?

Learn more by clicking on one of the frequently asked questions below

  • What is your vision on coaching?

    I believe that in a fast-moving world, it is essential to pause once in a while. To step back, reflect, and consciously choose how you want to live your life. In a coaching trajectory, we create an open atmosphere, where you are free to share and explore, without any judgment. 

    It is an equal partnership: I will bring structure, questions, and my full presence. You will bring your openness and curiosity about the answers within yourself, and the will to change your behavior.  

    I work eclectically, selecting methods that meet your unique needs. These may include methodologies aimed at exploring and adapting your thoughts, methods to help you become more in touch with your emotions and physical signals, or methods that help you become more grounded and present.

    I believe you are fully capable to discover your own path; and to define your next steps. Therefore, I will not provide my own opinion about what you need to do. In this way, you will move in the direction that is true to you, and you are much more likely to take action.

  • What is a coaching trajectory?

    In a coaching trajectory we work on one or multiple themes. We start of by clearly defining your coaching question(s), and work from there.

    A coaching trajectory typically consists of six to ten conversations. A session takes 1 to 1.5 hours. 

    It is recommended to plan about two to four weeks in between sessions, for you to apply your learnings, insights and actions in practice. Together we will discuss what pace works best for you.

  • How will I know if you are the right coach for me?

    We are all on a journey, in both our work and everyday life. I believe that when you are walking on a path that is right for you, you often feel both energized and calm, fulfilled and excited. 

    If you stray too far from your path, you may start to feel tension, challenge, exhaustion. Or you may feel nothing at all: while your mind is racing, you’ve lost touch with your body’s signals telling you there is another way.

    As a coach, I support you in creating your own path. 

    This starts with self-awareness: knowing who you are and what you strive to do. It’s also about understanding the role that you, yourself, play in the challenges you face. 

    Then it’s about shaping your (work)life accordingly: how can you live, work and lead more authentically? How can you contribute to something that is meaningful to you? What are some patterns that you’re ready to leave behind? 

    In a coaching trajectory, I provide you with space:

    • A quiet space, where we slow down to have in-depth conversations about what truly matters to you.
    • A safe space, where there’s room for both your ambitions and your insecurities. 
    • A warm space, where you feel supported to tackle what is no longer serving you.
    • A creative space, where you come up with new ideas and inspiration.
    • A re-energizing space, where you further connect with what brings you joy and fulfillment.

    So you can further shape and walk on your own path.

  • Do I need to have a specific coaching question at the start of the trajectory?

    Not necessarily; we can figure this out together. It may be the case that you already know exactly what you want to focus on. Alternatively, you may just have a first vague idea of themes that may be of interest. 

    We can use our first conversation to create clarity on the question(s) you have; and for you to prioritize what we will focus on first.  

  • Will you talk to others within my organization about our conversations?

    Our conversations are 100% confidential. This means I will not talk to others about the content discussed. 

    If you yourself want to speak to your boss, team members or HR manager about our sessions, you are of course free to do so.

    If your organization requests a check-in, I will plan a conversation with you, the organization’s representative and myself. In that case you yourself can report on your findings and progress. 

  • Where do the coaching sessions take place?

    Coaching sessions can take place virtually, on site (for organizations) or in Driebergen-Rijsenburg (the Netherlands).

    During an intake conversation we will discuss what best suits your needs.

  • What does a coaching trajectory cost?

    Please reach out to me via the contact form to learn more about the fees for a trajectory. 


  • Slide title

    "Sharon is an all-round, great person, a real professional and a pleasure to work with.

    She is a great listener and has the knack for saying just the right thing at the right time. She will help you get to where you want to be by guiding you observantly, step by step, giving you that final mental push you need in order to make progress.

    Throughout our sessions, we discussed the topics of leadership, teamwork, identity and future perspectives. After that, I was able to clearly observe progress both from a professional and personal perspective."

    Researcher at KU Leuven

  • Slide title

    "I had the pleasure of being coached by Sharon. Before working with Sharon, I was no longer enjoying my work, mainly because of constantly taking on too much work at the detriment of myself, colleagues and clients.

    Sharon helped me to identify the thinking pattern behind this, and subtly guided me in exploring an alternative path. I am now working with much more calm, focus and satisfaction. 

    It was a transformative experience and I would highly recommend Sharon as the go-to-coach for any organisation with demanding jobs."

    Consultancy Director

  • Slide title

    "Sharon knows how to guide me from my head to my heart. She facilitates me effectively to get to know myself better and to find my own answers. 

    She creates a safe and open environment to pause, reflect and to move forward again with new insights. 

    I would definitely recommend her to professionals who want to increase their impact."

    Senior Manager at KPMG

  • Slide title

    "Already after the first session I noticed a big change in my day-to-day life. The combination of being able to talk things through, and practical implementation through concrete exercises was very helpful.

    You are a great listener, offer your sincere attention and ask just the right questions. This is really impressive, and instantly made me feel at ease and supported.

    Thank you!"

    Human Resources at Driessen 

  • Slide title

    "While finishing up my Medical Specialist degree, I experienced some doubts about my future career. 

    Sharon helped me get a clearer view of both my own expectations, as well as the expectations of others. In a very practical way, we investigated which old patterns and feelings lay underneath my doubts and questions. I have learned to get in touch with these feelings.

    Now, I'm experiencing more peace of mind, and I'm ready to make the right decisons for my future."

    Medical Doctor at Amsterdam University Medical Center 

  • “Sharon coaches in a profound and calm way. This made me feel safe, and allowed me to express and address what what was truly going on. 


    She supported me in disentangling my thoughts and current situation. And she guided the conversations to see how I could achieve my desired situation / feeling step by step. 


    Thanks to her coaching, I got to know myself better and as a result, was able to change my behavior in the direction that better served me. 


    I would definitely recommend Sharon as a coach!”


    Human Resources at Randstad

  • "In my coaching sessions with Sharon I have gained valuable insights into my role as a team leader. This helped me grow both professionally and personally.

    Sharon is kind, listens attentively, and helps me by asking exactly the right questions.

    I would definitely recommend her."

    Manager at Technical University Delft 


Special features



Do you want to get a better feel of how I could potentially support you or your organization? 

Please leave your contact information here, and I will reach out to plan an introduction meeting. 

You can also contact me directly:

Looking forward to getting in touch!

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Blog: Thought trails

By Sharon Koenen 06 Jun, 2023
How’s your mind right now? At peace? A little numb? Or is it more of a racing chaos of half-finished sentences?
By Sharon Koenen 21 Apr, 2023
Of course, individuals can increase their own resilience; but it’s key to address organizational factors as well.
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In het Nederlands

Dat kan ook natuurlijk!

Mijn coachingsservices zijn ook beschikbaar in het Nederlands. Je hebt hierbij de optie om in Driebergen-Rijsenburg af te spreken, of virtueel als dat jou beter past.

Wil je graag meer horen over wat je kunt verwachten van een coachingstraject? Neem gerust contact op via het formulier. Dan bel ik je.

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